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Morgellons - ist das eine echte Krankheit oder ein abartiger Witz?

orget everything you know. about 5 years ago it started with me, that is why you can believe me: "Morgellons" are incredibly real, highly complex and almost indescribable! I wish I had the iq of some one, sorry. look around yet, the world changed inexorably rapidly. ask me: "what is health?" - I don't remember it? really good and understandable content offers: http://www.morgellons-research.org/morgellons2/index.html http://otacun.NET http://www.nexus-Magazin.de/Artikel/Lesen/Morgellons-die-buechse-der-Pandora-ist-geoeffnet stay cool thomas p.s.: Yes, I have also children!

Wie erkrankt man an Morgellons?

forget everything you know. about 5 years ago it started with me, that is why you can believe me: "Morgellons" are incredibly real, highly complex and almost indescribable! I wish I had the iq of some one, sorry. look around yet, the world changed inexorably rapidly. ask me: "what is health?" - I don't remember it? really good and understandable content offers: stay cool thomas p.s.: Yes, I have also children!