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Gilt in England "rechts vor links" oder "links vor rechts" im Strassenverkehr?

Frage Nummer 24928

Antworten (2)
Keines von beiden, da keine allgemeine Vorfahrtsregel dieser Art existiert.
Die jeweilige Regelung erfolgt durch Beschilderung.
Da hat Alex tatsächlich mal Recht:

There’s no priority to the right (or left) on British roads (unlike, for example, the continental priority to the right). At all crossroads and junctions, there’s either an octagonal stop sign with a solid white line on road or a triangular give way sign (dotted white line on road), where a secondary road meets a major road. ‘Stop’ or ‘give way’ may also be painted on the road surface. You must stop completely at a stop sign (all four wheels must come to rest), before pulling out on to a major road, even if you can see that no traffic is approaching. At a give way sign, you aren’t required to stop, but must give priority to traffic already on the major road.

Quelle: justlanded.com